Chiropractor Bowie MD
Taber Chiropractic & Laser Spine Therapy Center
There are a lot of choices when it come to healthcare. How do you know which chiropractic office is right for you? Taber Chiropractic & Laser Spine Therapy Center of Bowie MD takes most insurances, but choosing a chiropractor is very personal. Some people may be a litle frightened and would like more hand holding and are looking for a Bowie MD chiropractor who is especially gentle. (Choose Dr. Diane Taber.) Others are veteran chiropractic patients are are looking for traditional manual adjusting. (Choose Dr. Ted Taber), Will the chiropractors work with my medical doctor if needed? Yes!
Our sole purpose is to get you feeling better, provide excellent care, and terrific customer service. Our methods and services vary: chiropractic manipulation techniques, spinal decompression, MLS Laser, core exercises, identifying pain triggers, &/or orthotics. We recommend whatever is best for you and provides good value. We are here for you!
Taber Chiropractic & Laser Spine Therapy Center has been serving the Bowie area for over 25 years, earning hundreds of rave reviews from happy customers. Find out why!
Schedule an appointment today!
About Our Clinic
Taber Chiropractic & Laser Spine Therapy Center of Bowie is a husband-and-wife chiropractic team earning trust in the community for over 25 years. We won’t waste your time; we won’t waste your money. We run an efficient office with seasoned employees who all have one unified goal- high patient satisfaction.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide high quality, safe, and effective healthcare. To provide excellent value. When people enter our office, they feel that it is a place of healing, and they are cared for the doctors as well as our entire team.

Why Is Our Approach Different?
Taber Chiropractic & Laser Spine Therapy Center in Bowie always strives to provide great value. What does this mean in healthcare?
- High quality safe, and effective care offering new modalities/ technologies
- Excellent customer service where our staff helps with understanding your insurance, coordinating with your attorney (accident cases), and coordination of care between your healthcare team.
- Most importantly, the patient should feel cared for and heard.
- High customer satisfaction. Don’t take out word for it. Read hundreds of 5-star reviews to see why patients love Taber Chiropractic & Laser Spine Therapy Center!
Can Your Health Condition Be Helped With Chiropractic?
At Taber Chiropractic & Laser Spine Therapy Center, 95% of the conditions we treat are spinal conditions: Back pain, neck pain, sciatica, pinched spinal verves causing radiating nerve pain into the arms or legs, scoliosis, headaches and whiplash.
A patient’s chiropractic condition is classified in one of the following three ways:
1) Chronic pain
2) Acute pain
3) Over-use / repetitive motion injuries
1) Chronic pain often presents as stiffness, achy, or dull pain. There may be times that these old injuries become inflamed, and the patient may have sharp or severe pain from time to time. The pain typically worsens later in the day and represents an inflammatory pattern or after certain activities. I call it the, “You play; you pay scenario”. With these cases, it’s often hard to pinpoint when it started and the patient says, “I’ve had it for years”.
An example would be a patient with pain across low-back at the beltline or pain on one side of the lower back that runs into the buttock and/or leg. Chronic pain often develops in the lower neck and hurts in the morning or late in the day. It may be low back pain that mainly comes with driving, or pain in the lower back, buttocks and legs with walking. The pain may come on slow over time and increase gradually over the days of even months, often including worsening radiating nerve pain in the arms or legs. Do these examples resonate with you?
It's important to treat these chronic conditions because over time, fixated stressed joint segments wear down causing arthritis (joint degeneration) …not to mention it stinks to live with constant pain! Sadly, some people believe that there is nothing to be done for arthritis. Chiropractic joint manipulation gives these patients relief and increased mobility. The Impulse IQ adjusting instrument is especially good for stiff arthritic joints. Additionally, many arthritic conditions such as knee arthritis (OA) respond very well to MLS Laser.
2) Injury from trauma such as a car accident, slip, twist, or fall. Disc injuries, whiplash, and sprain strain injuries are common. These cases are acute and initially quite painful. An acute injury may start suddenly without trauma, but rather from a lifting injury at the gym or even bending over to put on socks!
3) Pain due to repetitive movements such as shoveling snow or playing golf. They may have an underlying disc or facet injury that suddenly becomes painful. Carpal tunnel is an example of a repetitive injury. Another example is hunkering over your computer for long periods of time and developing neck pain.
We routinely have success with these conditions. If you are unsure if your case is a chiropractic case, call the office and ask to set up a phone consultation with the doctor and he/she will let you know if your case is a chiropractic one.

Conditions We Help
- Back Pain: Whether it’s chronic pain (longstanding) or acute pain (new) from an injury such as a motor vehicle accident, fall, lift, or twisting injury. The patient may also have traveling nerve pain into the buttock(s) and/ or leg(s). Each chiropractor at Taber Chiropractic has been helping back pain for over 27 years.
- Neck Pain: Chiropractic adjustments work at relieving neck pain. We have seen a relation to increasing numbers of neck pain with increased teleworking and computer work. Additionally, sleeping can be flaring to neck conditions. That is why reviewing lifestyle fundamentals is so important to quick long-lasting recovery.
- Headaches: Headaches can be a musculoskeletal and caused by joint fixation, joint misalignment, decreased or reversed lordosis, or tension in the neck (tension headache). We also see migraine patients. Migraines can be very debilitating. Part of caring for migraine patients is to identify dietary and environmental triggers. Sometimes, we co-treat with neurology.
- And More!
Services We Offer
- Chiropractic Adjustments: We offer multiple safe, comfortable, and effective techniques. Manual (Diversified), drop table, Impulse IQ Adjusting Instrument, Flexion-distraction, and Logan.
- Spinal Decompression: This modality often helps certain conditions get better relief rather than with spinal adjusting alone.
- MLS Laser: FDA cleared for pain, inflammation, and edema. Dr. Diane Taber experienced firsthand the benefits of this laser after breaking her back in a car accident. She tested multiple lasers with her injury, and none delivered like the MLS Laser.
- And More!